Creative Self Care for Minted

Camp Minted 2024
Workshop Leader

I'm excited to share that I'll be teaching a session for all of Camp Minted this year! Last year, I led a watercolor meditations session for over 85 participants, and it was incredibly well-received. The feedback was so positive that I’ve been invited to teach a session for all Camp Minted attendees and Minted team members this time around. It's a huge honor to be invited to teach a session for a third time at Camp Minted! I started in 2019 with a block printing workshop, and my involvement has only grown since then.

Camp Minted is a conference where Minted artists from around the world come together to connect, learn from one another, and meet the Minted team. I absolutely love attending—it's always so inspiring to be surrounded by other artists. I can't wait to teach another session this year!


When I teach art, I approach it as a mindful practice, much like a yoga class. It's about finding flow, connecting with others, and feeling truly present in the moment. Art, when practiced this way, becomes a powerful tool for wellness and self-care. It helps to center the mind, reduce stress, and promote a deep sense of peace and well-being. Through this mindful approach, art becomes not just a creative outlet but a practice in self-awareness and connection.

This year at Camp Minted 2024, we will loosen up as we play with air and ink to create fun, exciting, and colorful abstract paintings. In this special experience, we will let go of perfectionism and go with the flow, allowing the inks to guide us. Alcohol inks are an excellent medium for all skill levels due to their forgiving nature and dynamic effects. Their vibrant, prismatic colors create an ever-changing landscape that dances across the surface. We foster a safe zone where everyone can be unapologetically themselves—unique and beautiful.