Shadow Drawings

Let’s connect and make art together. We start with drawing shadows from nature. This video teaches how to begin a meditative art practice while drawing shadows from the sun. We believe art is a practice to inspire self-awareness, ease anxiety, and promote personal growth. During a time where many circumstances outside of our control fuel anxiety, we turn to art as a tool for healing and bringing calm into the world.

Where do we even start? Creativity can be a challenge, as the hardest step is usually the first step. So, we decided to make it simple. You can start with a piece of paper, some flower or plant and a pencil. Go outside. Soak in the light and the sunshine. If there is no sunshine, grab a light and look at the wonderful world unfolding under your gaze. Shadows are the most magical things. They transform reality into a two dimensional form. Simple and beautiful. And so, this week’s practice uses the sun to trace shadows and draw nature. 

Our video shows how to draw with nature using shadows and plants. Drawing contours is a simple but very effective meditation. Let your pencil guide you as you trace around the shapes. Drawing eases anxiety and calms your mind through the meditative process. Let your hands lead and your mind follow. Make and don’t overthink!